Journal of Clinical Research and Ophthalmology Submit Manuscript
    Case Report

    Minimal-invasive explantation of sulcus-fixated toric-multifocal additional intraocular lenses despite excellent visual measurements: A case report

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000100

    Published On: October 29, 2022 | Pages: 025 - 028

    Author(s): Jens Schrecker* and Achim Langenbucher
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Short Communication

    Eye safety awareness and visual impairment prevention for computer users

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000099

    Published On: October 01, 2022 | Pages: 022 - 024

    Author(s): Elena Serea* and Codrin Donciu
    Abstract View Full Article View

    Vision in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Role of orthoptics

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000098

    Published On: September 14, 2022 | Pages: 017 - 021

    Author(s): Claude Hamonet* and Lucette Ducret
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Possibilities of monitoring intraocular pressure using a transpalpebral scleral tonometry in cases of corneal and ocular surface pathology

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000097

    Published On: July 19, 2022 | Pages: 015 - 016

    Author(s): María Ángeles del Buey* and Paula Casas
    Abstract View Full Article View    

